About Queens Village
Our Mission Statement Management and staff are committed to fulfilling the needs of the seniors in our care with dignity, while recognizing each resident’s individuality. We respect our residents’ privacy and promote their independence. Brief History This charming and prestigious property has been one of London’s landmarks since 1872 when Mr. James Duffield, an owner of the London Oil Refining Company which became Imperial Oil in 1880, had it built. Subsequently, this magnificent residence hosted the Red Cross Blood Clinic during the war, the London College of Bibles & Missions, The Hooper Memorial Chapel, the Saturday School of Music, then became Queens Avenue Manor. In 1978, the Corporation of Chateau Gardens established their operations as a nursing home until May 2002 when they sold the property to Village Partners. Village Partners is a private partnership that owns a few retirement and nursing homes in Ontario. Village Partners have committed to restoring this gem to its original state, preserving the character and integrity of this building ~ sculpted arches, wood paneling, four magnificent fire places, main stair case, etc. The Urban League of London Green Brick Award was presented to Queens Village on June 13, 2005. This project is recognized for its sensitivity to the needs of the elderly, as well as the environment and the historic nature of the mansion. This award is given to those who take community concerns into account at both the planning and development stages of the project. Once restored and renovated, this building will be the home of Queens Village for Seniors, a 63-bed retirement home with choices between two and one bedroom apartments, bed-sitting suites, and studios.